Saturday, June 6, 2009

Follow Me

As Christians we are to be followers of Christ.

Jesus used the word “follow” many times in the Gospels. He said “He who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me” (Matt. 10:38). He told the rich young ruler, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” (Matt. 19:21) He evangelized Levi the tax-collector with just two words: “Follow Me” (Luke 5:27). Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12). He also said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). His last words to Peter were similar to His first words: “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me” (John 21:22).

Following Christ means we make Him Lord of our daily lives. If I could boil this 'crazy love series' down to one theme it would be, 'following Jesus'. Literally, reading His Word and doing what it says. Not doing what we think makes sense, or what other Christians are doing, but actually taking bold steps to listen to God's Word and apply it to our life.

Let me ask you this question, "Are you following Jesus?" Now, I know that you love Jesus. I know that you are committed to doing good Christian things, but my question is, “Are you following Jesus?”

I know many of you are. If so, please share your story. (If not, share the things that are holding you back!)

Click the 'comment' link below and share a story of how you are following Jesus. Where is He leading you? Have you been convicted of something that you are turning from? Are you changing any habits or lifestyle choices in response to God's Word? Have you developed a deeper sense of compassion for something and begun to act on it?

What does it look like (from your experience) to follow Jesus?


Andy Hamilton said...

I started coming to Storehouse 10 months ago. I have been to more church services in the last 10 months than the previous 52 years. Even thou I have been drug and alcohol free for the last 24 years, I feel that I have not been totally sober. I just don't drink or drug anymore. All my attitudes, self centerness and traits from my addictive years were still present until 10 months ago.

God gave me a wake up call last July when my wife told me that she didn't want to be married anymore. This shock devestated me and I felt that I hit a bottom again like I did when I surrendered to drugs and alcohol. I prayed a prayer to God that I wanted to change my life so that I could save my marriage and begin to live a christian life. I contacted friends of mine, because I knew that they lived a good christian life and they went to church. They invited me to attend Storehouse and I fell in love with the people that attend Storehouse. No one judged me or looked down at me once knowing my past. I felt at home from the very first visit.

God has done wonderful things in my life since then. My wife and I have a better relationship than we ever had. I reconnected to my family and they come to counseling with me and to Storehouse on occasions. I am a volunteer for a prison ministry, seeking a new career to become an addictions counselor and most importantly I am not afraid to talk to someone about Jesus.

I need you to understand, I came from a lifestyle that was nothing but destructive. "IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME". I would sit in a bar and drink at lunch time go back to work and then go back to the bar after work. Find some drugs to keep me awake so I could continue to drink all night and morning then show up at work with no sleep, no shower, same clothes and function all day so that I can start the rotation again.

During my first marriage in my addiction I can remember coming home one friday night after spending my whole paycheck on alcohol and drugs that I got that afternoon and my wife saying what are we going to do for dinner. I said I'll go to the store. I had 50cents left in my pocket and I bought a pack of Tastykakes took it home and I split it with her. That's how I lived.

Now back to the present - I have been asking God to please tell me what HE wants me to do with my life to serve HIM. I pray to HIM that HE has kept me alive through all I have been through for a reason (I just don't know what that is). I want to serve the Lord very much, but I just don't know how to indentify the direction HE wants me to go. I've shared about this in House Church numerous times.

I hear people say that the Lord spoke to them! I am still struggling with how to identify when HE speaks. Does it come from an audible voice? is it through another person? is it something I may read in the Bible? I have been waiting and pray everyday for the direction. I have been told to be patient, which is easier said than done.

I am sorry for the long comments.

I was told by my doctor that I have been clinically depressed for a long time. But, I never knew it until last July. I am being treated for it and doing much better.

Just let me say that I feel Storehouse Church and the fellowship of Storehouse has saved my life in so many ways that I would like to give back what was given to me.

Something that has helped me very much when I'm down and feel lost:


Thank you all,

Anonymous said...

I now know God wants more of me...I now know I need to act on His word that is in my heart...I know He wants me to serve and to give more of my "things" and to really FOCUS on heaven. This life is going to end soon and I need to give everything to Him.

Anonymous said...

I have always been a talented artist, When around 12 years old and being raised in a boarding school, I use to be commissioned to do painting for the staff of the school. When I was 14 years old I use to go to a privet island off of Florida's south west cost,for vacation, and I use to work the marina getting commission to paint portraits of famous people's boats, and I would also do wildlife art and sell it in the island gift shop.
Sound like I was on my way to a career as a artist, well when I finish high school, and I moved out of my parent's house because of a trouble home life, my art slowed up, and when I went in the military it nearly came to a halt. But when I started listing to Christian rock music,and I also met missionaries who ministered to the military, I was inspired to want to serve the lord with the God given Gifts He has given me. So I prayed that God would show me how I can use art to reach people for Christ. But that was not enough, so I prayed God would give me the gift to write poetry that would communicate biblical principles. In the past I have founded an online web site ministry called God, You, And The Bible, it's out reach was a collection of spirit art, poetry, commentaries, and interviews of how people have come to Christ, and instruction on how to receive Christ. The second ministry I found was called Creative Touch Ministries,it's out reach was publishing booklets which were a collection of poetry, art work, and instructions on how to receive Christ. These booklets were put in laundry mats, and given away to people in the street, for free. Then my new ministry caller Surealworld Galleries, which is an on going internet ministry of opening up poetry and art galleries, that display work that teach biblical principle, with the hope that viewers will be encourages to star spiritual discussions. So far the fruits of this ministry is that my work has been saved to viewer's favored list ,and viewers have added me to their watch list, and my work has been feature on numerous art groups. There is very little financial reward,I work a full time job, making enough to squeak by from pay check to pay check. But you know God doesn't always give gift to His children to gain worldly wealth, but He gives them to us to part take in build His kingdom. My deal with the Lord is, you take care of my needs, I will serve you as long as I am able.
You know I could use the gifts God has given to me, and make a living painting worldly pictures, and writing meaningless poems. So the question to my viewer is, are you going to use you gifts for God's Glory, or for your own? But one must remember we will give an account for our stewardship of the things He has in trusted to us,be it, talent,wealth,position,influence.

If you would like to check out my work, you can search it on the web,under, Stephen J. vattimo, or Surealworld

Stephen, For Surealworld Galleries

Anonymous said...

This series has been awesome! I am more in love with Jesus than i could have ever imagined. I have no idea where Jesus wants me to head or in what direction but I know that I want to follow Him! This series has encouraged me to take a step of faith. Up until now my life has been very comfortable, but I don't want that anymore. I want to follow Christ even if it means being rattled and giving up that comfort I have become so used to.