Thursday, May 14, 2009


Last night my House Church met again for the first time since Easter. We dove right in with some deep questions based on the new Crazy Love series and we had some great things to celebrate. We had 3 visitors to our group, big win! A couple from our House Church answered the call to leadership and launched a new House Church last night, HUGE win! I could talk about that forever, but something moved me about 3 weeks ago and I need to share it.

During the last series "More Than a Job", JR shared a story about a CEO who summed up the entire mission of his organization with one word, "Others." That word has been echoing in my head ever since. Others, others, others. We get a lot of questions about why we do what we do or why we do things the way we do them at Storehouse. The answer is almost always: others.

When you think like that, it is hard not to be motivated, excited, and energized. It's changing the way I pray, thinking of myself less and thinking of others more. It's changing my perspective, I can always find something to complain about in my life, there is almost always something that could be better, but if I'm thinking of others first, it's amazing how my troubles seem to disappear.

Perhaps the toughest question I have ever been asked was from a friend who was wretling with some truths about God and the cross. He asked me, "I just don't understand why Jesus had to die on the cross, if he was God's son, why did he have to die?" The answer: for others.

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