Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 30 | An End Time Church

An End Time Church

“The end of all things is near.
Therefore, be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray."
1 Peter 4:7

Have you heard the story about the man who woke up early in the morning, looked at the clock, and the time was 3:33? He looked over at the calendar and noticed that it was also the third day of the third month. As he arose from bed, he remembered that he lived on Third Street and that his house was the third house. When he read the morning paper he became even more excited because at the horse races that day there was a horse named Trio in the third race. So he rushed to the bank, withdrew all of his life’s savings, and then rushed to the racetrack. He went to the third gate and sat on the third row. He bet it all on Trio to win the third race. Guess what happened. Trio placed third. Sometimes things do not work out the exact way we think that they will or want them to.

The recipients of Peter’s letter were in the same situation. They had bet it all on Jesus and believed they had a winner. But they were being severely persecuted for placing their faith in Him. They must have wondered if being taunted and persecuted by unbelievers every day was worth it. Since they knew the difference that Jesus had made in their lives, they answered yes, it was worth it. This affirmative answer still begs another question, however: “How we can endure until the end of the world?”

God will prepare His people before the Lord returns. The church will return to its position of power much like she experienced in her infancy. We are beginning to witness a Pentecostal power on the church again. The lapping of the tides are hitting the shores, but a tidal wave is coming! God will deal with the church as a bride as He did when she was a babe. Not everyone wants to be a part of an end-time church. Many are content to be in a safe ministry that provides comfort for the comfortable and disturbs no one. Many would love, in these last days, to sit at the feet of those preachers who will tickle their ears with “sweet Jesus” sermons that tell them all is well with their sin-filled lives. End-time churches want to pray relentlessly, give tremendously, witness powerfully, and worship constantly.

Prayer Focus: Pray that our church is an end-time church. Ask the Lord to help us to do our utmost for Him as a church body and individually.

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