Sunday, April 26, 2009

Does my spiritual life fit in at work?

We have a tendency to compartmentalize their life. We say, “Well, I’ve got a spiritual life and I’ve got a secular life.” My spiritual life involves, well, spiritual things: like Bible reading, going to church, doing nice things. That’s my spiritual life. And that’s over in one compartment.

Then over here is my secular life. That’s my work, my job, my career, my business decisions, my finances, my pension plan, all these things, that’s my secular life.

And God says, “Neh, no. That’s wrong.” All of life is spiritual. The word secular isn’t in the Bible. Everything you do counts, it all matters to God. Listen, God is as interested in your work as He is in your prayers. In fact, I would suggest that He is more interested in it, because you spend more time working than you do praying.

He’s interested in every area of your life. The fact is, that your relationship to Christ is like marriage. Marriage is a full time relationship, and so is your relationship with Christ. How about if I came up to my wife and said, “Honey, I’m going to always act married when I’m at home.” No Way! I’m married when I’m at work, at the mall, and at home. The same is true with your spiritual life. It must become who you are, not just something that you do.

How about you? How does your spiritual life intersect with other parts of your life?

Attend Storehouse this Sunday to further this discussion.

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