Monday, February 23, 2009

He is, because that's who He is

by JR Rushik, Lead Pastor

I was just doing some devotional reading of John chapter 4. Toward the end of the chapter Jesus returns to His original stomping grounds; the place where he did his first miracle. This is the place where everyone was skeptical of his divinity. They just couldn't imaging how 'the messiah' could be someone that they watched grow up.

A royal official approaches Jesus and asks for healing for his son. Jesus simply says, "You may go. Your son will live." (John 4:50). Then, the man took Jesus at his word, went home and found his son had been healed at the very moment that Jesus spoke those words. WOW!

Here's the part that struck me. Jesus was in a place where people doubted his credibility, yet instead of standing on a rock, pounding his chest and making all sorts of noise about the miracle he was about to perform. In absolute humility Jesus quietly said, 'Go. Your son will live."

Why didn't Jesus use this occassion to 'make a name for himself'? Or to prove to his hometown crowd that He has divine power? Why didn't Jesus draw attention to himself?

Why not prove himself? Because Jesus was secure in who He was. He never did a miracle to prove himself to others. His motive was always love.

He was who he was, because that's who he was... Humble - AND - Powerful!

It's a good lesson for me. I don't need to DO more stuff to prove that I'm a devoted follower of Jesus - no, I just need to BE a child of God.

How about you? Is your relationship with Jesus more about BEing or DOing? What's your motive behind WHY you do what you do?

Take some time to reflect on your true identity in Christ. Then rest in the fact that Christ is sufficient and there is absolutely nothing that you need to prove. You are complete in Jesus!

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