Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 11 | Discover Your Destiny...Like Abraham

Discover Your Destiny…Like Abraham

"Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything."
Genesis 14:20b

Chapter fourteen of Genesis records for us a significant event in the pilgrimage of Abraham. This godly man becomes a warrior as he joins in defeating four kings who have united against five kings of the valley. War would not have interested Abraham, except for the fact that Lot, his nephew, was captured and taken into captivity. Today’s text picks up with Abraham returning as a conquering hero. His high esteem, already in the eyes of others, has gone higher. He is now known throughout the land.

At this point in his prosperity, he is faced with a significant choice. In fact, his future destiny hangs in the balance of this choice. This choice is a spiritual battle, and it is a greater battle than the physical one he just fought. Will he become worldly with all these material possessions, or will he become rich in God’s eyes because he is a giver?

Life is all about making the right choices. In this Bible passage, Melchizedek is a picture of Jesus Christ. With that in mind, you can see that Abraham made a wise choice by giving back to God a tenth of what God had given him. In your prosperity, which comes from God, do you give any back to Him? Spiritual growth will result from worshipping the Lord through giving.

Prayer Focus: Pray that our church is a giving church. Pray that we will reach beyond our walls and our members to touch the world with God’s love through our talents, time, and treasures. Ask God to reveal ways that we can grow in our giving. Pray about your personal giving and how you can become more generous.

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