Monday, October 6, 2008

Just in time

Is God not working fast enough for you? Have you been saying the same prayer over and over for days, months, maybe years? Maybe God is working on it in His time.

Steph met Bill at work. She asked him to church, in which he responded with laughter. While most of us might have been deterred, Steph continued to ask him. This was last August-2007. Finally a few months later Bill agreed to come to church with Steph. A few months after that they start praying together. Then Bill decided to come to house church with her. In the spring of this year, he accepted Christ. In August he was baptized.

Steph writes, "My favorite definitions of worship has always been 'worship is whatever you do to tell God that he's worth it and worth all of it, all the time.' God is awesome and powerful and has the ability to change someone's life faster than I would have expected he could."

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

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