Monday, September 29, 2008

Jesus, Who's that?

While getting a haircut today I struck up a conversation with the stylist (are they still called stylists when it's Supercuts?). I've had my haircut at this location several times but I had never seen her so I assume she was new. She was making the typical haircut small talk (how bout this weather, did you have a nice weekend, etc). Then she asked me what I do for a living. This question is always a weird one for me. Telling her I am the Associate Minister of Community Life doesn't really do much for most people so I usually simplify it and say, "I'm a pastor".

She responded by saying, "what's that?" I was confused so I repeated it, then said minister. She said, what's that? I'm thinking to myself, where is this lady from?! Then I said Priest, bingo! That's when the confusion really began. She couldn't understand why I don't live at the church. If we meet in a school, how are we a church? What kind of church are you?

It struck me that understanding me and our church probably isn't all that this woman is missing. I wonder if I mentioned grace or salvation or the Cross, if she would understand those things. I take for granted that I have so many Christian friends and live in this comfortable Christian bubble. I often forget how many people still don't know who Jesus is, how many don't understand His love for them, and how many have yet to recieve God's grace. Right here in our own neighborhoods. We need to make His name known!

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