Discover Your Destiny…Like Joseph
"…when he saw the carts Joseph had sent to carry him back the spirit of their father Jacob revived." Genesis 45:27b
Today’s story is about Andrew Singleton. He had an I.Q. of only 55. But his parents dreamed for him. They dreamed that he could somehow enjoy life as a teenager. Although he was enrolled in special need centers for most of his life, when he was 19, his parents put him in regular high school. He attended special classes there and endured a tremendous amount of pressure while adjusting to his new environment. His parents desired that Andy would be accepted and have friends there. Eventually, Andy did so well that he was able to participate in some mainstream classes.
On graduation day when Andrew’s name was called, his parents watched in amazement as the unbelievable happened. All 192 of his classmates rose to their feet and soon the entire crowd of spectators joined them. His classmates began to cheer for him and to call out his name. It was a dream come true.
When we get to heaven we will also celebrate a dream come true. Until then, God will keep us revived. Jacob was living with a spirit of poverty until he saw the wagons. When he saw the riches from Egypt from a son he had thought dead, he was revived.
Prayer Focus: Pray that each and every one of us at Storehouse Church will develop ownership of our God-given dream to find a new location. Ask God to revive the church leaders of this dream as they continue to work toward it – our pastors, the church leaders, and the campaign team leaders. Ask God to revive you in an area of your life that needs it.